











Title: Wine and Promises
Author: SaRa
Rating: G

Disclaimer: Insert bowing in the general direction of Paramount Studios, the owners of all things Trek.
Author's note: A pre-TNG ditty inspired by Aaron Tippon's song A Little Dust on the Bottle that nearly gave me a stroke by jumping from a drabble to a full length story to a prequel for a story to...
Psst! Have you read Cait N.'s sequel?

"Can ya help me, Johnny?" asked Jack Crusher.

He had been introduced to Beverly Howard a few days ago and was sure he was in love. They were going on their third date that night, and Jack desperately wanted to impress her.

"I do have a few bottles of wine from the Picard vineyards in my possession," stated Jean-Luc.

"The real stuff, eh?" Jack said, hopefully.

Picard nodded. "Now that I think about it, though, I need it all for a later date. Sorry, Jack," he lied. He'd be the one with whom Beverly shared the wine, he promised himself.

The End!
