






SaRa has lived in the same country, state, city, and house since she was born in 1987. Her current location is, most likely, in front of some computer somewhere, writing or reading fanfiction and talking/listening to The Voices, who reside in her twisted mind. On certain days, you can find her gulping Tylenol while trying to manage the latest crisis at The Voyager Virtual Season Project, where she was recently promoted to Executive Producer.

SaRa likes reading and writing Janeway/Chakotay, Janeway/Seven, Janeway/Doctor, Janeway/Kim, Picard/Crusher, and Hawkeye/Margaret. The thought of Janeway/Seven/Neelix gives her the creeps, though she loves Janeway/Neelix. She has also begun to enjoy Janeway/Ayala and Janeway/Chakotay/Ayala. Naughty smut with Janeway on the bottom is always sure to make SaRa happy.

Other things that SaRa is fond of include her Robert Beltran Star Trek: The Magazine, Bic Velocity pens, the warm colors as well as purple, tea, corn, movies or shows or books with blood and guts and gore, and coffee ice cream. She does not like real Oreos, dark chocolate, or butterflies. Also, she denies being obsessed with Voyager and/or Robert Beltran. She's just very focused.

SaRa does not think that you need to know anything else about her. In fact, she believes you would have been much better off not knowing anything. She's a little odd, but don't be alarmed because she won't hurt you. Unless, that is, you annoy her and find yourself facing her Irish, redheaded temper. She may look blonde (or whatever hair color she likes at the moment), but she's all redhead inside. Consider yourself warned. ;o)