Title: Wake Up Call
Author: SaRa
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The command color's red, Seven's catsuit is blue; I don't own . . . Paramount, please don't sue! (Corny, I know.)
Author's note: Pauline asked what we would do if Janeway and Chakotay suddenly appeared during our daily routine, so I wrote this to try and answer her. This is the second idea I had and I wrote it late at night (early in the morning) and I paid for it when I woke up.

There's something next to me that shouldn't be.
That was the first thought that crossed SaRa's mind, even before she opened her eyes. Her next thought was, I just know it's 0700 . . . why am I awake?
She opened her eyes and looked to her right.
Chakotay was lying there, snoring loudly.
She closed her eyes, opened them, and blinked, but he was still there.
Heaven! she thought. I've died and gone to heaven. It must be if Chakotay is sleeping next to me, though I wish he didn't snore this much.
A soft sigh from her left caused SaRa to do a double take.
Kathryn Janeway was fast asleep and, judging by the contented smile on her face, dreaming about something good.
The loyal J/Cer grinned. Janeway, Chakotay, and a bed, she thought. Sounds like the title of a smutfic. The only thing is I'm stuck in the middle of them.
SaRa sneezed, scaring herself and waking her visitors.
"Where the hell am I?" both asked in unison.
SaRa sat up and rubbed her eyes, wishing she had 20/20 vision. "I don't mean to be rude, but would you two get out of my bed?"
Kathryn mumbled something about, "not moving with this nightgown on," while Chakotay muttered something about boxers.
"Fine," SaRa snapped, "I'll get out of my bed."
She climbed over Chakotay, making sure to knee him in the stomach in the process. She pulled her shorts down slightly so she looked decent and walked over to the dresser where her glasses rested, tripping over three pairs of shoes and two cats on her way.
Sliding her glasses on, she said, "I have clothes that I know will fit you, Captain Janeway, but Chakotay is a different story."
"What's the date, where are we, and who are you?" Kathryn asked the girl.
"June something, two thousand one; Pennsylvania; and SaRa," SaRa replied, digging through her pajama drawer.
She threw a pair of gray drawstring pants onto the bed and said, "Do you like plain green or camouflage better, Captain? Glad to hear it; I didn't want to have to rip the tags off the plain shirt."
When SaRa's camouflage tank top joined the pants, Kathryn grabbed them and managed to put them on while remaining under the covers without too much difficulty.
Chakotay managed to keep his drooling to a minimum while he watched closely.
"Chakotay, bad news: you'll have to make due with what you've got on. Don't worry, Kathryn and I won't mind seeing you walk around in Starfleet-issue boxers," SaRa said, unable to think of anything for him to wear. Even her father's clothes would be too small for him.
She took her contact lenses and contact solution off her dresser and continued with, "You two can discuss strategy or whatever while I put these in."
When she left, the first word out of both Chakotay's and Kathryn's mouth was, "Q."
With a flash of light, Q appeared. "Have you enjoyed your visit with one of the J/Cers who knows that you two belong together?"
"It was wonderful, Q. How many more are left?" replied a very annoyed Kathryn.
"Many more, Kathy," Q responded cheerfully.
Chakotay sighed. "I told you you should've kissed me, but you didn't. Now we're stuck doing this."
"I don't kiss anyone on the bridge, Chakotay. Not even you. Sorry," she said, shrugging slightly.
"I'll be nice," Q said. "If you kiss now, you don't have to visit any more of these strange people.
When she heard this, Kathryn was more than happy to practically throw herself at Chakotay.
SaRa walked back in just as they were breaking apart. Before she could say anything, they vanished, leaving behind only the clothes she'd loaned Kathryn and one hell of a story for SaRa to share.