Title: A Romantic Evening
Author: SaRa
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't think Paramount loves me enough to give me Kathryn and Chakotay for a Valentine's Day gift. Darn shame, as they would beat chcolate any day.
Author's note: Just a quick note about the end...the devil made me do it.

Kathryn leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. She disdainfully picked up a creme-filled chocolate, glared at it, and dropped it back in the shiny heart-shaped box. Upon seeing that the confection had been sufficiently squashed on impact, she gave a momentary smile.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Kathryn," she said, her tone mocking. She glared at the box of candy and the accompanying love note once more for good measure. "Let Seven have him, now that I know how much I mean to him, that bastard."
It was Valentine's Day, and there she was, alone in her quarters. He was the first officer -- one would think he could arrange the schedule to be with his sweetheart on the most romantic day of the year.
And that, concluded Kathryn, is the problem. He could have done it, but he didn't care enough to make the effort. They would see each other for ten minutes between their shifts. Chakotay would be fast asleep by the time she came off duty, and she would just be leaving when he was coming home. Being in love wasn't worth the trouble. Granted, getting gifts from the one you love, dressing up to go out, and making love were all wonderful, but it didn't seem worth it at times like this.
She picked up a book and began to read, only to stop several pages later. Okay, so trashy romance novels didn't suit her mood at the moment. She sighed and slammed the book down on the coffee table, rattling the mug that sat there and spilling coffee from it. Enough was enough!
Kathryn pushed herself from her seat and stormed into the bedroom, where she peeled off her short white satin and lace nightgown and threw on a short black skirt and a loose light pink blouse. She hurriedly buttoned the shirt, managed to button it crookedly, and had to try again. She slipped on her clunky tan sandals and headed for the turbolift.
The doors swished open and Kathryn stepped onto the bridge. Ensigns and crewmen were manning the bridge, with the exception of Chakotay who was sitting in the command chair. K'Janni was about to announce that the captain was on the bridge, but Kathryn put her finger to her own lips and shook her head. She walked past Ops and down to the command level, where she dropped into the second in command's seat. "Hey," she greeted.
Chakotay turned and looked at her, doing a double take when he saw her outfit. She was either ill or being possessed, he decided, because his Kathryn would never walk onto the bridge in something other than her uniform unless there was an emergency. Still, he smiled and asked, "What brings you here?"
"Now I have to have an ulterior motive to visit the bridge of my ship? I feel insulted, even if you're right."
Chakotay sighed. "You're not on duty for a few more hours, Kathryn. I'll call you if there's anything I can't handle or any problems."
Lowering her voice, Kathryn said, "There is a problem. You. Me. Communication skills. Lack of togetherness. Valentine's Day. Chakotay, we're going back to my quarters for the rest of the night. Someone else can be in charge." She stood, grabbed his hand, and nearly dragged him out of his chair.
Chakotay felt himself being dragged into the turbolift, and managed to tell K'Janni that the bridge was hers moments before the lift's doors shut.
When the doors of Kathryn's quarters opened, she immediately felt silly for dragging Chakotay away from the bridge. She looked around and, even in the darkness, saw a complete mess. She hadn't gotten around to cleaning in the past week or so, and it showed. Clothes were strewn over the furniture, her table was covered with padds of data, and coffee mugs and several dishes were on coffee tables and else where.
Kathryn's shoulders slumped and a lock of hair fell in her face, which she irritably pushed back behind her ear. "I'm sorry. This isn't romantic, it's a mess. I don't know what the hell I was thinking. You can just go back to the bridge if you want to. I'm sorry, this was a total waste of time."
Chakotay put his hand on the small of her back and guided Kathryn into her quarters. "Hey," he said quietly as he backed her up against the bulkhead and trapped her there with his arms on either side, "any time spent with you is not a waste. Our romantic evening can consist of cleaning your quarters. I don't care what we do tonight."
With a smile, Kathryn asked, "Then you don't mind if we just push all my junk off the couch and sit there? If our Valentine's dinner consists of peanut butter sandwiches and grape juice? I managed to use almost all my replicator rations on your gift, so it will be light eating until next month."
"I don't mind. I wouldn't care if we went hungry, love, you know that," Chakotay answered. He kissed her on the lips, but pulled away before it deepened.
Kathryn smiled once more and then ducked under his arm. "Wait here. I want to get your present." She ran into her bedroom and Chakotay could hear her digging through her drawers. She came back out, holding a small box that was wrapped with pearly white paper. A shiny pink bow was on the top of the box, holding a slip of paper to it. Almost shyly, she handed the box to Chakotay.
Chakotay carefully removed the bow and set it on Kathryn's head, making her chuckle and roll her eyes. He read the words on the tiny note: Tonight, I'm yours. - Kat.
Slowly, painstakingly, he removed the paper, not wanting to rip it. The paper revealed a white box, that looked almost like something a necklace might be in, except it was too wide. Chakotay removed the lid from the box and his eyes went wide.
Kathryn blushed.
Resting inside the box on fluffy white cotton was a pair of gold handcuffs which bore the inscription Bound by the chains of love: KJ and C forever ('78).