Title: For Hawk's Sake
Author: SaRa
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I'm playing with Twentieth Century Fox' toys, but I promise to put them back when I'm done.
Author's note: Here it is, folks: the long awaited return of SaRa! Okay, okay. Maybe most of you were hoping that I fell off the face of Earth and took my horrible writing with me. I didn't, but my horrible writing did disappear. My writing style is totally different, though I'm still H/M through and through. Anyway, I've developed this addiction while I was gone: writing from characters' points of view. So, this story is Daniel Pierce's POV on H/M and it's set after the war. Thanks to Rena, Megan, and Kalina for the title!

Hawkeye loves her, that much was obvious when Margaret showed up at the house last night.
It's not his normal love either, the kind that's more lust than love. No, this is the real thing and that's what troubles me. I honestly don't like that Houlihan girl.
Maybe it's because of what Hawkeye said about her in his earliest letters to me. He couldn't stand her then and he'd mention all the bad things about her in his letters. Those things are still in the back of my mind and seeing her brought them to the front.
Hawkeye was perfectly able to see past these bad things as the years went by, so why can't I? That bothers me.
Could it be because she's divorced? It's possible that that's what's gnawing at me. My subconscious is telling me that anything between her and Hawkeye isn't going to work and my son is setting himself up for a heartbreak. I've always wanted to keep Hawk from feeling any pain when it comes to relationships. Lord knows I felt enough for both of us when his mother passed on.
The only other reason I can imagine is because she's regular Army. From what I gather, the Houlihans have been regular Army for quite a few generations. I loathe the Army as much as, if not more than, my son does. It's natural that I'd take an instant dislike to anyone who stands for the ways of the military as much as she does.
What really bothers me, though, is that I want to like her. I want to like her as much as Hawkeye does, but I just can't. There's this one nagging voice in my head that tells me not to and I can't silence it.
I'll keep trying for Hawk's sake, though.