Title: Right and Wrong
Author: SaRa
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Paramount owns them, but they like me better. Right, Chak? Chak? Oh, God...Chakotay, Kathryn, that's what bedrooms are for!
Author's note: Point, what point? It's rude to point.

Why does he always have to be right?
Maybe a better question is, "Why do I have to be such a rotten loser?"
I really should go and apologize to him, but I can't. I'm just sitting here in the bedroom, sulking while he's out in the other room, pretending that he doesn't know I'm ready to kill him for being right -- again.
I'm surprised he puts up with me.
First I broke the most important rule of our relationship: work-related disagreements are to be left at work. Then, when I brought up the crisis about the I'tret, we got into the shouting match to end all shouting matches.
All right, I admit it. I was the only one shouting. Every time I raised my voice, he lowered his. That has got to be the most annoying thing about him. He's always calm, cool, and collected when he argues. I think he's even more calm, cool, and collected when he's arguing with me because he knows how much it gets to me.
I stand up and walk into the other room. I don't want to apologize and say that I was wrong and he was right, but I have to. It's another one of his -- our rules: we don't go to sleep mad with each other.
"Chakotay?" I say his name softly and I can tell he knows what's coming by the stupid look he has on his face, trying to hide that damned grin.
"Yes, Kathryn?"
"I'm sorry. You were right, I was wrong. Again."
"I didn't mean the part about tossing you into the brig for the rest of our journey."
He knows I know that wasn't what he wanted to hear.
"Okay, okay. I love you, but I still want to kill you sometimes."
Grinning, he says, "The feeling is mutual. Now, come here, love."
A long, sweet kiss ends our fight. It's the only good part of making up with him.