Title: Resistenza
Author: SaRa
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Glory be, I'm getting sick of these things. Shall I get this over with? Paramount owns Voyager blah blah blah and yada yada yada. I own nothing. There, that was quick, though extremely painful.
Author's note: I don't know what the hell this story is. I found it in my tablet and it sort of worked as a companion piece to La Resistenza è Inutile, so I'm using it. Was it meant to go with the previous story? Your guess is as good as mine, but, like I said, it works, so.... This is from Janeway's point of view.

I wonder what Seven would do if I stole Chakotay from her, the way she did to me.
Would she cry like me? When I first found out, I acted indifferent. An hour later, I stood in the shower and cried, letting to hot water soothe and caress me, like I still dream of Chakotay doing.
Would she be jealous like I am? She has something that I want: Chakotay's time, his heart, and his friendship. I know how precious these things are and I want to possess them once again.
Would she plot a way to get him back? I'm thinking of ways to temp him; to lure him back to me. A few touches, hugs, or kisses. Maybe even sex. I'm that desperate.
Is it too much to ask that, at the very least, I can have my best friend back? Apparently so, as long as Seven is around.
I'll keep resisting, though, until resistance is truly proven futile.