Title: La Resistenza è Inutile
Author: SaRa
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Dream owns "He Loves U Not" while Paramount owns Star Trek. I own the tiny bit that's left and my warped imagination.
Author's note: Whatever possessed me, I don't know. I'm just sitting here, listening to Dream's "He Loves U Not" and it hits me: what would Seven think if Kathryn was trying to steal Chakotay from her once C/7 happened? I hate Seven, so why I'm making her the (sort of) innocent one, I'll never know. I am not going C/7 on y'all, don't worry! I plan to follow this with a story from Janeway's point of view. That will be more J/C. This story is set sometime before Endgame, but after Renaissance Man.

Commander Chakotay and I have been intimate for two weeks and four days as of today. He claims that I am the only one he is seeing, but what I witnessed this morning would suggest otherwise.
After my regeneration cycle was complete, I walked to Chakotay's quarters to meet him for breakfast. He has given me his access codes, so I am able to enter without chiming for admittance. Upon entering his quarters, I noticed that Captain Janeway was present. I decided I would leave because they were most likely discussing ship's business and did not wish to be disturbed. When I surveyed the scene before leaving, I noticed that Chakotay and the captain were "making out" as I believe Lieutenant Paris would refer to it. At this point, I exited. I had no desire to witness what may or may not have taken place afterwards.
As I work in astrometrics, I contemplate what the commander told me at lunch. He stated that he was in no way a willing participant of the earlier events and that he was sorry that I witnessed them. He claimed that Captain Janeway, or Kathryn as he prefers to call her, is jealous. He said that she envies our relationship.
I do not understand. She has passed up the opportunity to become involved with him on several occasions, however she continues her flirtations with Chakotay.
He does not resist, which...disturbs me. I have seen him touching her more frequently, but still not as often as she does him. He does not touch to arouse as she does, but to covey a feeling of friendship.
Early this week, Chakotay informed me of the time he and Captain Janeway had been stranded on a planet they refer to as New Earth. He told me about making up a story about an angry warrior and a woman warrior who symbolized the captain and himself. We both found it to be more than slightly humorous.
Chakotay's past feelings for the captain are irrelevant. He is now romantically involved with me and will continue to be for an extended period of time. The captain must learn that resistance is futile. Despite her attempts, he will not submit to her willingly.
Further resistance is futile, Captain Janeway. I have assimilated his love; you will learn to do without.

He Loves U Not
Give it your all girl, give it all you got;
Take your chance at a second hand shot;
Say what you want girl, do what you do;
He's never gonna, gonna make it with you;
Pulling petals off a flower trying to get your way;
Keep pulling till it says what you want it to say;
Girl, you can pick a field full of daisies;
But he'd still be my baby;
I know you can hardly wait till I'm away from him;
Instinctively, I know what you're thinking;
You'll be giving him an open invitation;
But my baby won't be taken in;
You can pout your cherry lips;
Try to tempt him with a sweet kiss;
You can flutt your pretty eyes;
He ain't got his hands tied;
No chains to unlock;
So free to do what he wants;
He's into what he's got;
He loves me, he loves you not;
No matter what you do, he's never gonna be with you;
He's into what he's got;
He loves me, he loves you not;
You're the kind of girl that's always up for do or dare;
Only want him just because he's there;
Always looking for a new ride;
The grass is greener on the other side;
You're the kind of girl who's not use to hearing no;
All your lovers try to take you where you wanna go;
It doesn't matter how hard you try, you're never gonna get with my guy;
No chains to unlock;
So free to do what he wants;
He's into what he's got (that's me);
He loves me, he loves you not;
No matter what you do, he's never gonna be with you;
He's into what he's got;
He loves me, he loves you not;
Doesn't matter what you do, he's never gonna be with you;
Give it your all girl, give it all you got;
You can take your chance at a second hand shot;
Say what you want girl, do what you do;
He's never gonna make it with you;
You can pout your cherry lips (yeah);
Try to tempt him with a sweet kiss (sweet kiss);
You can flutt your pretty eyes (pretty eyes);
He ain't got his hands tied;
No chains to unlock;
So free to do what he wants;
He's into what he's got;
He loves me, he loves you not;
No matter what you do, he's never gonna be with you;
He is into what he's got;
He loves me, he loves you not