











Title: To Show Her Indiana
Author: SaRa
Rating: G

Disclaimer: Paramount. A word meaning, "We own Star Trek, abuse the characters, and let the fans clean up out messes."
Author's note: Yet another shot at Kathryn's point of view. (These things are addictive, I swear it!) Believe it or not, I was trying to write a happy fic, but this is a far cry from such a thing. There really is some J/C in here, but it's not the focus.

I promised to show her Indiana.

That seems like eons ago, but it was only earlier this year. That was before she ripped my heart out and used it for a welcome mat. Before she betrayed our friendship by taking away my best friend.

I don't hate her, though. I never could. It's hard to hate someone who is like your own child.

We from Voyager like to say we rescued her from the Borg, but we didn't. We tried to kill her like we did the other drones we had on board. She was able to hang on, though. She was a survivor, not unlike me. A survivor, just like mom.

She survived the Borg, being severed from the Collective, Tsunkatse matches, and a malfunctioning cortical node. I made my promise to her when she was dying because of that malfunction.

I'm not one to break promises.

Chakotay and I stand here in the cold Febuary air, watching as they burry Seven under the frozen Indiana soil. He's holding me tightly around the waist, his chin resting on the top of my head. He knows that I see this as burrying the daughter he and I never had, yet still hope for. He knows that I need him to be there.

We decided to have her laid to rest here, just to show her Indiana.

The End!
