Title: Healing Hugs
Author: SaRa
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I need a healing hug, too, Chakotay, because Paramount owns you two and doesn't know what to do with you.
Author's note: My first piece of fluff, VOYAGER or otherwise. It was an idea I came up with a day before writing it and it only took about twenty minutes to write. So, don't hope for anything too wonderful.

"Kath? What's wrong, lovebug?"
Chakotay was lying next to Kathryn on her bed, unable to fall asleep because she was tossing and turning in a futile attempt to get comfortable.
Her response was one word in length and enough to make most men panic and flee for their lives: cramps.
Chakotay wouldn't turn tail and run, but he would suggest taking something for them and then he'd quickly change the subject -- if it was anyone but Kathryn. He would do anything for her, and that included listening to her talk about "woman things" because she'd once told him there was no one she felt like she could talk to on the ship. He didn't enjoy the discussions -- he didn't need all the information he got -- but when he'd promised Kathryn she could talk to him about anything, he meant it. Chakotay wasn't one to back out of things because they made him slightly uncomfortable.
So instead of saying anything, he wrapped her in his arms and pulled her onto his chest.
Seeking comfort, she snuggled into him. Kathryn sighed.
"Are you okay?" Chakotay was an overprotective lover and it didn't help any that his job was to be overprotective of Kathryn as well.
"I'm fine," she said, rolling over so they were nose to nose with her still on his chest. She cuddled closer still and asked, "Do you know what you are?"
Chakotay shook his head in negation.
"You're a big ol' teddy bear," she said. "If God himself told me it seven years ago, I wouldn't have believed it. I only believed what Starfleet said: you were the typical terrorist on your very best day. Not a decent bone in your body. I now know that's not true. You're almost all heart." She paused for a second and then said, "You give great hugs and are perfect to cuddle with and tell even my deepest secrets to. I love you, Chakotay."
"And I love you, Kath," he replied. He gave her a quick kiss and then tightened his hold on her.
In the dark, Kathryn smiled. Being near Chakotay always made her feel better.