Title: No Longer Feeling Blue
Author: SaRa
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Paramount owns the club, I'm just throwing a party in it.
Author's note: Prequel to "The Red Dress," formerly known as "Untitled." This is the second story in my series "Colours." Didn't read the first story? No problem; it's irrelevant. This picks up at the very end of the fourth season episode "Hunters."

Arms still linked, Kathryn and Chakotay strolled across the bridge. They went into the turbolift and Chakotay commanded that it take them to the deck where their quarters were.
Kathryn gave him a questioning glance.
"We'll look extremely out of place in uniform," he said.
Raising an eyebrow, she said, "Care to elaborate some more?"
He gave her a dimpled grin and explained that the party was in Holodeck One and the program running was of a late twentieth century club and everyone was to wear period costume.
"You're kidding. Please tell me you're kidding," she begged as they exited the 'lift and walked in the direction of their quarters.
"No, why?"
Shaking her head, Kathryn decided he must've been unaware of the dreadful fashions of the twentieth century. "The men wore clothes that were much to big for them and the women wore outfits that make Seven's catsuit look loose," she explained. "What a nightmare."
"It can't be that bad," Chakotay said, shrugging. It really couldn't be if he got to see Kathryn wearing something as tight-fitting as she'd just described. The mental image was almost enough to make him drool.
"You'll be singing a different tune in twenty minutes when you come to pick me up," she called as she entered her quarters.
Slightly more than twenty minutes later, Chakotay pressed the door chime to her quarters. When he walked in, he didn't see her standing in the main room like he'd expected. "Kathryn?"
"Give me two seconds to finish fixing my hair," she called.
A beat later, he replied with, "Those two seconds are up, Kathryn."
"That's all right. I'm ready now," she said as she walked out of the bedroom.
Chakotay felt his jaw drop to the approximate location of the waist of his oversized olive green cargo pants: the floor. "Um," he croaked out, "wow."
Raising an eyebrow, she said, "You don't look so bad yourself."
Pulling both his jaw and pants back up to wear they belonged, he laughed. "Are you kidding me? I look like a bum and you look like a...a..."
"Prostitute?" she guessed. She gave him a crooked grin.
"Uh-uh, no way," he said quickly. His eyes slowly traveled from her shiny black boots that reached up to her knees to her short black skirt to the red tube top that left little to his overactive imagination. Taking a quick glance at her hair, he noticed the two clips she'd used to pull it back just slightly. The word on the hair clips provided him with the word he'd been searching for. "You're a hottie."
Chakotay could swear that he heard a giggle escape her mouth, but if one had, it was covered up when she suggested they leave before Neelix called them again.
"Oh my God, I don't believe this!" Kathryn had to yell for Chakotay to hear her over the music that filled the holodeck. Grabbing his arm, she said, "Let's leave before Neelix sees us. I can't take this."
Looking down at her, he said, "You need to enjoy yourself after that letter, Kathryn. Come on, let's dance."
"What?" She gaped at him, wondering if he was out of his mind. What he'd just called dancing, she would call vertical sex. The partners' bodies pressed together as closely as possible without clothing being removed, hands roamed wildly, and many other body parts moved sensually.
"I said, 'Let's dance,'" he repeated, thinking she hadn't been able to hear him over the music. He pulled her toward the dance floor and they managed to squeeze into the crowd.
Before Kathryn knew what was happening, she felt herself being pulled to him so her back touched his chest.
Chakotay put his left hand on her hip and slowly began moving his hand upward. She moved her hips slightly and his hand came in contact with the skin of her stomach, exposed when her tight clothing had shifted.
He slid his hand across her soft skin, intending to rest it on her other hip. "Kathryn," he said when his hand encountered something cold and metal, "please tell me you did not pierce your belly button just for this."
"Actually, I did. It hurts like hell, but it's nothing a dermal regenerator won't fix," she replied. After a minute, she said, "I'll probably keep it, though. I really like it. Too bad you can't see it."
He shook his head. "I suppose I shouldn't ask how you did it."
"No, that wouldn't be smart. It wasn't pleasant at all."
He shuddered slightly, not wanting to know what she meant. "What am I going to do with you?" he asked.
She grinned to herself. "For starters, you can move your hands up a lot higher." Kathryn slid down a little lower in his grasp, helping his hands along.
"Only is you press up against me some more and wiggle your backside," he said, pulling her back up.
When she did this, she pressed against him harder than he'd expected, making him take a quick, deep breath that was very close to a gasp.
"Kathryn," he said, his voice thick, "either we leave now or the first rime we make love will be against one of these walls."
Unable to speak, she nodded and took Chakotay's hand.
They wove their way through the crowd of people and to the door. Once outside, they hurried to the nearest turbolift. After pressing the button to call for one, Chakotay killed time by pushing Kathryn to the wall and kissing her passionately.
She responded instantly, sliding her tongue into his mouth.
The 'lift came and they broke apart and rushed in. Kathryn breathlessly called out their destination and the 'lift began to move.
She and Chakotay were barely inside her quarters before they began helping each other out of their twentieth century clothing, leaving a trail from the door way to the bed.
Upon waking the next morning, neither had any regrets and both agreed the previous night had been a good way to get rid of the blues they'd been feeling after receiving bad news from Earth. Most importantly, Kathryn and Chakotay agreed not to let protocol stand in their way again.