Title: Chakotay's Mid-life Crisis
Author: SaRa
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The original song is by Garth Brooks, Chakotay and Kathryn and Seven are Paramount's, Braga and Beltran and the fans are their own. The words written here are mine...sort of. ;o)
Author's note: Not to be taken seriously, but then it switches back and forth between Robert Beltran's and Chakotay's points of view and no one takes Woody seriously, so....

Blame it all on my age
Or maybe the Phage
I ruined the episode Endgame
The last ep to show
The last one fans know
It was the last pairing
They thought they'd see there
And I saw the surprise
And the fear in their eyes
When I took that glass of champagne
And I toasted them
Said the show maybe through
But you'll never hear me complain
'Cause my girlfriend's a low age
Where the ratings are from
And the thought chases Braga's blues away
It made his day
We're not big on social graces
Think we'll slip on down to the cargo bay
Oh my girlfriend's a low age
The fans were all wrong
We truly belong
But then, they've been wrong before
Everything's all right
They'll just go online
And start rumors like before
Hey Brannon did mean
To cause a big scene
Just give us an hour and then
We'll be as screwed
As that Enterprise crew
That they're writing for
'Cause my girlfriend's a low age
Where the ratings are from
And the thought chases Braga's blues away
It made his day
We're not big on social graces
Think we'll slip on down to the cargo bay
Oh my girlfriend's a low age
'Cause my girlfriend's a low age
Where the ratings are from
And the thought chases Braga's blues away
It made his day
We're not big on social graces
Think we'll slip on down to the cargo bay
Oh my girlfriend's a low age
The fans were all wrong
We truly belong
But then, they've been wrong before
Everything's all right
They'll just go online
And start rumours like before
Hey Brannon did mean
To cause a big scene
Just wait 'til this reaches the mass
By then Kathryn'll
Want back in my arms
Well, she can kiss my ass!
'Cause my girlfriend's a low age
Where the ratings are from
And the thought chases Braga's blues away
It made his day
We're not big on social graces
Think we'll slip on down to the cargo bay
Oh my girlfriend's a low age