











Title: Voyager Gossip II - The Moderator
Author: SaRa
Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: You think I own these characters? What on earth are you smoking? You think Paramount owns these characters? Sadly, you're right.
Author's note: I wasn't going to do another one of these, but (1) JetCjr10 asked for it and (2) these are highly addictive!

< ROOM: voy_gossip STATUS: public >

<bigmaq entered chat>

France: bad news, bigmaq
holdon: Really bad
bigmaq: <~ wants to know what the news is
yme: Tuvok is coming into the chat tonight. He's madder than cap'n KJ was when Big C stole her coffee in the mess hall.
borgirl: Tuvok will arrive in four minutes.
bigmaq: <~ wants to know why

<sexEshorT entered chat>

sexEshorT: is tuvok really gonna crash the chat?!
bigmaq: <~ nods sadly
borgirl: Where did you aquire this information, sexEshorT?
sexEshorT: i was here b4 with leola and hollowman
yme: Did anyone hear what he's going to do?
holdon: Something "logical"
France: Nothing good, that's 4 sure
borgirl: I shall leave before his arrival.
holdon: No! Power in numbers!

<borgirl left chat>
<Tuvok entered chat>

sexEshorT: ne1 have hi enough rank 2 tell him 2 get the hell out?
bigmaq: <~ clamps hand over sexEshorT's BIG MOUTH
sexEshorT: *bites bigmaq's hand*
Tuvok: Swearing is not permitted.
France: He speaks
holdon: Why not, Tuvok?
Tuvok: It is offensive.
sexEshorT: aw $#!+ no one cares
bigmaq: <~ gives sexEshorT a look
France: She didn't say anything
yme: What do you want, Tuvok?
Tuvok: I am moderating this chat room. Proceed as usual.
sexEshorT: i read a kj/7 smut story 2day
yme: What?!?
bigmaq: <~ seconds yme's "What?!?"
France: Traitor
holdon: Who wrote it, so I know who to kill
sexEshorT: and i quote "Oh, 7, that's nice!" "Yeah, Katie, yeah!" that scary enough? it's by iluvq47
yme: I'm scared now. *runs away*
bigmaq: <~ is going to vomit
Tuvok: You may either end this conversation or leave.
sexEshorT: y do i feel like making a cetain hand motion in tuvok's direction?
bigmaq: <~ thinks of a new topic
France: What did you come up with, bigmaq?
holdon: Say it...and fast
bigmaq: <~ asks who is male/female/no one knows
holdon: bigmaq is right! We don't know much about each other. (female)
France: Once again, I thought that was the point. (male)
yme: It is, France... (male)
sexEshorT: female
bigmaq: <~ is male
sexEshorT: ok enough dumb topics. what is the latest w/ kj and big c?
Tuvok: Discussing the captain and Commander Chakotay is not acceptable.
France: Then what's the point of this chat room?
sexEshorT: i heard they had a helluva session in astrometrics 2day

<sexEshorT has been removed by chat moderator>

bigmaq: <~ wants to know what that was for
holdon: Yeah
yme: Sheesh, Tuvok!

<sexEshorT entered chat>

sexEshorT: *sobbing* mean old sonuvaphaserrifle
bigmaq: <~ runs over to sexEshorT, hugs her, asks if she's OK
yme: *walks over, too* Don't mind that grouch. :-\
France: *joins them* Aw...it'll be all right
holdon: *puts arm around sexEshorT's shoulders* Don't mind Tuvok, he was dropped on his thick skull as a baby and never did get over it.
Tuvok: How did you reenter the discussion?
sexEshorT: WAHHHHHHHHH!!! it thinks I'm stupid and it talked to me
bigmaq: <~ tells Tuvok to stop traumatizing sexEshorT
Tuvok: I am not "traumatizing" her. I merely asked a question. Again, how did you come back into the chat?
sexEshorT: *dives into bigmaq's arms still sobbing*
bigmaq: <~ whispers "It'll be OK, baby" while glaring at Tuvok
France: Would you leave before we hire some1 to kill you, Tuvok?
holdon: Ooh, pick me!
Tuvok: Negative.
yme: Tuvok, be quiet. She cries harder each time you open your mouth.
Tuvok: Please, sexEshorT, explain how you rejoined this group.
holdon: *lunges for Tuvok*

<holdon has been removed by chat moderator>

France: Didn't your mom tell you not to pick on girls?
yme: He's too afraid to pick on another man!
France: *clucks like chicken*

<France has been removed by chat moderator>

yme: ...or not.
Tuvok: Satisfied?
bigmaq: <~ asks sexEshorT how she is holding up
sexEshorT: *burries head in bigmaq's chest* not well
yme: Before I'm forced to, I'm leaving. Good night

<yme left chat>

sexEshorT: *grinning* Bye bye, Tuvok! :o)

<Tuvok has been removed by the captain>
< ROOM: voy_gossip STATUS: private >

bigmaq: I applaud you, Kathryn.
sexEshorT: Thanks. I think I deserve it. :o)
bigmaq: Great. My shirt now has the captain's snot on it. You did a little too well with that crying bit.
sexEshorT: Ha. Ha ha. You're in major trouble.
bigmaq: Am I?
sexEshorT: Prepare to meet your doom, Maquis!
bigmaq: I'll never die, Starfleet!
sexEshorT: Bite me. ;o)
bigmaq: Okay. It's not like you don't taste good...
sexEshorT: Oh, you!
bigmaq: Oh, that's so insulting! I've been mortally wounded.
sexEshorT: Correction. You're GOING to be.
bigmaq: Should I be afraid?
sexEshorT: If you're half as smart as I think you are, you would be.
bigmaq: Why? What are you going to do to me?
bigmaq: Uh, Kathryn?
bigmaq: I think I'll just go hide in the Jefferies tubes now...

<bigmaq left the chat>

sexEshorT: Ah, the Jefferies tubes! Thanks, Chakotay...

<sexEshorT left the chat>
< transcript being sent to moderators [iamthecaptaindammit@killTuvok.voy, Tuvok@security.voy] >
