Title: Voyager Gossip
Author: SaRa
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Paramount owns them, but I was the one who dragged the kicking and screaming crewmembers into a chatroom.
Author's note #1: My first Voyager fanfic. Feedback of all sorts welcome. Flames will be used to heat up the coffee that I need so badly right now.
Author's note #1 1/3: EnginEAR, blueboy, and gabbygrl are nameless crew members. So you don't think I'm crazy, EnginEAR is an engineer, blueboy is a male Bolian (sp?), and gabbygrl is just some female crewmember.
Author's note #1 2/3: If you want to know who the other people are, it's at the end of the story along with explanations of where I got the names from other than I must've been on something...
< ROOM: voy_gossip STATUS: public >
<sexEshorT entered chat>
sexEshorT: alone? darn it!
<borgirl entered chat>
sexEshorT: hiya 7!
borgirl: Hello, sexEshorT.
<yme entered chat>
<bigmaq entered chat>
sexEshorT: hi u 2
borgirl: I have just realized that I must regenerate. Good night.
<borgirl left chat>
bigmaq: <~ thought the idea was to make it hard to tell who is who. *rolls eyes*
yme: Ditto
sexEshorT: it is
<France entered chat>
<holdon entered chat>
France: Did every1 hear about KJ and Big C?
yme: No, I just got off duty :-P
holdon: tell me!
bigmaq: <~ is on edge of seat
sexEshorT: whatwhatwhat?
<enginEAR entered chat>
enginEAR: hi
<blueboy entered chat>
<gabbygrl entered chat>
yme: You three are just in time to hear about cap'n KJ and Big C :-D
holdon: France has the latest info/gossip
gabbygrl: SPIT IT OUT! *end screaming*
France: They were *ahem* spotted in a lift...making out!!!
blueboy: Before or after they slept together?
yme: This morning on the way to the bridge...so after
sexEshorT: i heard they did the nasty in her ready room...after spending the nite doing it 2!
enginEAR: I have to go tell my buddies about this
gabbygrl: *looks at enginEAR* I'm with you on that one!
blueboy: I have Alpha shift *pouts* Big C has it in for me I say! 'Bye
<enginEAR left the chat>
<blueboy left the chat>
gabbygrl: My PADD name is gabbyspadd@gossip.voy if anyone finds out anything more! 'Night!
<gabbygrl left the chat>
holdon: I want info too! warped@systems.voy
yme: unlucky@ensigns.voy
sexEshorT: hottieshort1@girls.voy
France: flydelta@gossip.voy
bigmaq: adubya@usmen.voy
France: Now that that's done, did every1 get the new story?
yme: "Without You"?
holdon: "Crying"?
France: Apparently not. "Katie Wants a Fast One" and the sequel "Katie Got a Fast One"
sexEshorT: r they clean?
France: Not at all. I'd put an excerpt here but that Vulcan would ban me from the chat
sexEshorT: *shrieks* i want it! send it to me! plz!
bigmaq: <~ can't believe what some people will read
holdon: I'd love a copy bigmaq ~> :Þ
yme: Since you're handing out copies, France... :-D
bigmaq: <~ wants to know if holdon will swap "Crying" for "Nightmares"
holdon: Sounds good, bigmaq
yme: I wrote one. "I'm Not an Escalator." It's not nice at all...Big C uses cap'n KJ as a way up the ranks. :*(
sexEshorT: france these are filthy! (i luv 'em) yme do u wanna share the story you wrote? plz?
France: *flashes sexEshorT a big grin* I know
yme: I sent the story to each one of you. I have to go now...good night!
<yme left the chat>
France: I've done my good and dirty deed for the night, so I'm off like a Starfleet dress uniform! *looks at sexEshorT* If you need some1 to join you for a cold shower or whatever... *grin*
holdon: I've got duty in 30 minutes -- yikes! Bye
<holdon left the chat>
<France left the chat>
bigmaq: <~ clears throat
< ROOM: voy_gossip STATUS: private >
sexEshorT: Uh, hi there, Chakotay. How did you know it was me?
bigmaq: You're short and you're pretty damn sexy. Now, do you really read those stories?
sexEshorT: Yes, I do. So?
bigmaq: Spirits! My sexy redhead has lost her mind!
sexEshorT: YOUR sexy redhead? Excuse me?
bigmaq: Shall I come over there and claim you?
sexEshorT: Be my guest.
bigmaq: Okay, I'll be there soon.
sexEshorT: WAIT!
bigmaq: Yes?
sexEshorT: Bring your padd with the stories.
bigmaq: Okay, but why?
sexEshorT: We're going to read a couple of your tame ones, some of my...erotic ones and...
bigmaq: ...and?
sexEshorT: ...we'll pick which type we like best, act it out *wink*, and then write our own story. Anonymously, of course.
bigmaq: We'll just need your erotic stories, now that I think about it.
sexEshorT: I was counting on that.
<bigmaq left the chat>
sexEshorT: *humming*
sexEshorT: *shrieks* Yes! He's here!
<sexEshorT left the chat>
< transcript being sent to moderator [Tuvok@security.voy] >
Author's note #2: Jokingly, I said to myself that I wouldn't go to sleep until I finished my first J/C story. THAT was at 0400 on 3/4/01. I never did get to sleep. *groan* Anyway, here are the names and their owners and explanations where needed:
sexEshorT: (sexy shorty) Kathryn
bigmaq: (big mack) Chakotay [he was the leader of the MAQuis cell]
borgirl: (borg girl) Seven
holdon: (hold on) B'Elanna [Klingon...cling on...hold on]
France: (France) Tom [Paris...city in France...]
yme: (why me) Harry ["Why me?" asks the poor ensign who is sent on an away mission]