Title: Bye Bye
Author: SaRa
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Paramount owns Star Trek and the mess they made out of it with C/7. I am only trying to do damage control.
Author's note: Response to the "Die, Seven, die!" challenge on ASC*. I was going to get a few laughs from it without paying, but my muse doesn't like when I'm cheap. Possible spoilers for any of the final four episodes. It depends on whether or not the promo was the real thing.
It was the last night Voyager would be inhabited. That day, everyone except the senior officers had beamed down to Earth. The senior officers wanted one last night on Voyager after their seven year journey.
Kathryn Janeway currently didn't give a damn as to her location. She only wanted to be asleep. It could be on her ready room couch, on a planet full of hostile aliens, or in her house in Indiana. It didn't matter after the stressful day she'd had.
She let out a happy sigh as she walked into the quarters that she and Chakotay had begun sharing around the fourth year of their trek to the Alpha Quadrant. The last night in their quarters wasn't going to be special or romantic, but it was going to be her favorite type. She would put on the olive green T-shirt she had stolen from him, drag him into the bedroom, and collapse next to him for some serious cuddling until they dozed off.
She heard a noise come from the bedroom. Funny, she thought, that sounds like Seven and Chakotay. I must be really exhausted if I imagined that.
Kathryn walked into the bedroom. Her eyes widened when she saw that it really was Chakotay and Seven of Nine. And he was holding her! It certainly was well beyond a friendly good-bye squeeze. It was closer to an I-want-you-right-here-right-now groping session.
Suddenly, Seven collapsed onto the floor.
Chakotay, breathing heavily, saw Kathryn standing in the doorway and managed to smile at her. He knew she wanted to chew him out or even knock him out, but couldn't do anything. "Don't worry," he said. "That wasn't what it looked like."
Kathryn's eyes traveled down his left arm and she saw he was holding a silver hypospray in that hand.
Chakotay noticed she was looking at it curiously. "She's dead, Kathryn. She won't be around to tempt me anymore. Not that I'd ever consider her because you're the only woman I could ever want, but I know you had your doubts. This was the only way I could be certain you never had them again."
Kathryn looked from Chakotay to Seven and back to Chakotay. Her plans for that night had suddenly changed. "Chakotay, could you move her body? I'd hate to have that on our bedroom floor while we made love."
Grinning, he said, "I will comply."
She grabbed a pillow from the bed and threw it at him.
Oh, he thought, so it's going to be one of those nights.