Title: Breakfast
Author: SaRa
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't think Paramount would let the characters have fun like this, so I doubt they want it, even if I am using their characters.
Author's note: Special *huggles* to Queen Megan Moo (aka your majesty) for providing half of this discussion.

"Tom makes the best kind," B'Elanna declared, sitting back in her chair.
"I've never had one from him. I've only had them from Chakotay," Kathryn responded, taking a sip of her coffee.
"I haven't had one in a week.... Wait, Chakotay's the only one you've gotten them from?" B'Elanna shook her head in mock pity. "His aren't real."
Sighing, Kathryn said, "I know, I know. I've never had a real one, though."
"Forty some years old and you've never had a real one? Where have you been living, Captain?"
Why doesn't she tell everyone in the mess hall how old I am? wondered Kathryn. Aloud she asked, "Are they really that good?"
The half-Klingon nodded emphatically. "Yes, they are. Big and round and soft...and they taste divine." She was getting a far away, dreamy look in her eyes. Pulling herself back into reality, she said, "I don't like the hard ones."
"I've only had the hard ones. Are the soft ones that much better?"
"Of course. They aren't stale."
"Stale can be good sometimes, B'Elanna."
With a disbelieveing smile on her face, B'Elanna said, "You prefer them old?"
"Only sometimes," the older woman put in.
"Wait a minute. We're still talking about bagels, right?"
"We'd better be!"